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wellcome celebrates 10 years in Leipzig

A special milestone has been reached! We celebrated the 10th anniversary of our wellcome location here in Leipzig, together with an impressive network of partners from the city and beyond. From the founder of wellcome to local coordinators, from political representatives to our dedicated volunteers - everyone has contributed to our ability to support families with newborns for a decade.

In these 10 years, our wellcome angels have formed the heart of our project. Your individual and unbureaucratic support makes a real difference in the lives of many families. They close a gap in care and show that support and cohesion in the community can work.

wellcome was founded in Hamburg in 2002 by Rose Volz-Schmidt and is now active with around 220 teams in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. We are proud to be part of this movement and to continue to act preventatively in the area of ​​early help.

A special thank you goes to the women's choir Miss A.Kapella for the atmospheric singing and to everyone who contributed to the “bring-along buffet” - your home-prepared dishes made the exchange even more warm. Thanks to everyone for your support and cooperation!

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